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Ekoteologen Lars Larsens blogg

Calculating the end of global net oil exports, "All Liquids"

Publicerad 2024-03-13 07:02:00 i Abrupt kollaps eller "the Seneca Cliff", Civilisationens kollaps, Oil exports and the Export Land Model, Peak Oil, oljetoppen, och energifrågor i allmänhet, Peak diesel,

(This blogpost can very well be read to the sound of the beautiful song "Yellow" by Coldplay. This is my love greeting to all my readers. Remember that we are soon entering "The Millennial Kingdom", my friends! See you all there!! My frequent blogposts about the end of oil is a witness to this fact. The decline of oil is an even more certain field of knowledge in order to know the timing of the end of the world, than the science of global warming/heating)
According to the footnote * (a comment to footnote 2) below this blogpost of mine from 27.10.2023, the decline rate of global net oil exports, All Liquids, will be 6,4 % on average, right now, or pretty soon, for "ANE" oil ("Available Global Net Exports", which is "GNE" ["Overall Global Net Oil Exports") less the China and India region’s combined net oil imports). 
6,4 % of 52 mbd (the amount of All Liquids exports I estimate that we had in the end of 2023, because the exports have a tendency to decline fast when overall oil production is flat and the world economy is growing fast, which will be the case this year, and which also was the case last year, yes even more so) is 3,3 mbd. This is where we should begin. How many years does an annual decline of 3,3 mbd give us, in a linear scenario? Answer: 15,7 years. This takes us to the end of the year 2038. But remember, this is a linear scenario. Then we could say: 2038 is the uppermost possible limit for the end of global oil exports, All Liquids. 
But let's calculate what an exponential, accelerated decline rate (because this is the way the end of oil exports behave) gives us for a result. We begin with a conservatively estimated decline of 3 mbd annually for 2023, and end with a whopping 19 mbd of annual decline (such is the exponential factor! It's unbelievable in the end). Then it ends in the middle of the year 2030, which pretty much confirms my previous calculations in my book about the end of global net oil exports, where I only focused on conventional crude (minus condensate) only, and diesel exports. 
But let's make a simple model of the decline of All Liquids oil exports: 
2023: We start with 55 mbd, in the end of the year we had 52 mbd. 
2024: 52 - 3 mbd = 49 mbd (this means that in the end of the year, we have 49 mbd)
2025: 49 - 3,5 mbd = 45,5 mbd
2026: 45,5 - 5,3 mbd = 40,2 mbd
2027: 40,2 - 7,3 mbd = 32,9 mbd
2028: 32,9 - 10 mbd = 22.9 mbd
2029: 22,9 - 13,5 mbd = 9,4 mbd
2030: 9,4 - 19 mbd = 0
Let's then make a simple model of how much All Liquids oil exports (of "ANE" oil) we have annually if the end of it comes in 2032, which is Jeffrey Browns date. This also requires a whopping 19 mbd annual loss in the end: 
2023: We start with 55 mbd, in the end of the year we had 52 mbd. 
2024: 52 - 3 mbd = 49 mbd
2025: 49 - 3,2 mbd = 45,8 mbd
2026: 45,8 - 3,6 mbd = 42,2 mbd
2027: 42,2 - 4,1 mbd = 38,1 mbd
2028: 38,1 - 5,1 mbd = 33 mbd
2029: 33 - 7 mbd = 26 mbd
2030: 26 - 10 mbd = 16 mbd
2031: 16 - 14 mbd = 2 mbd
2032: 2 - 19 mbd = 0

In this article on "The Energy Bulletin" from October 18, 2010, Jeffrey J. Brown and Dr. Samuel Foucher calculated the decline rate of oil production in the North Sea between 1999 to 2009 to be at 4.8%/year. During the same time oil exports from the area fell by more than double the percentage, yes almost a triple. Brown and Foucher says: 

"Note that the net export decline rate exceeded the production decline rate,  starting out in double digits, at 12.8%/year, and accelerated to close to 30%/year at the end of the net export decline period."

What is 30 % of 59 mbd (the peak of global All Liquids exports, which happened in 2016 according to Statistical Review of World Energy. The North Sea oil peaked in 1999, see this article)? Answer: 17,7 mbd, not far from our 19 mbd decline pace in the last year of our modelled end of All Liquids exports, an annual pace that never reaches the end of the export barrels in our model. Probably global All Liquids oil exports decline will reach those higher levels in their end phase, especially because of the ongoing collapse of industrial civilization, which makes the end of oil production very steep indeed, which is accounted for in my 19 mbd of oil exports decline. The end of the North Sea oil exports never saw a collapsed UK, just for comparison. Now the UK is collapsing, though. 

But, as I have pointed out before, the right thing to do is to follow the decline of conventional crude (minus condensate) oil exports, because we will never have only unconventionals without conventionals to export, because the former are so incredibly expensive, and exponentially more so as time passes by, the former being subsidized by the latter. And what is most important: It is in the latter, in the conventionals (minus condensate) where most of the diesel lies, diesel being the most important motor of our global civilization. Not even condensates make any substantial diesel, which is witnessed in this comment by an oil expert. He says "refineries get very little diesel fuel from condensate".

Shale oil, or "tight oil", belongs to the same category as condensates when it comes to its usefulness for diesel (other liquids in the same category are NGL [Natural Gas Liquids], biofuels and refinery gains). Shale oil from America is called "super light oil". This article from 2018 says the following about American shale oil, which creates problems for American refineries, focused as they are on heavier oil, oil that one can make diesel of: 

"Making matters worse, Morgan Stanley expects so-called middle distillates like diesel and jet fuel to account for most of the growth in oil demand, and light crudes aren’t ideal for making these products."

This article by Whitney Sheng from 2020 also says the same: "Too much oil, too little diesel". 

Diesel shortages, which in the US was such a hot issue in the end of 2022 (I remember it on youtube), has not gone away. See for example the following article from only half a year ago, September 17, 2023: "The World Is Struggling to Make Enough Diesel".

Diesel is really the fateful object in the end of oil exports and overall oil production. Therefore Jeffrey J. Brown did the right thing indeed, focusing on conventional crude oil minus condensate, where most of the diesel lies. 

[1] Here is the graph (from this comment on the blog "Peak Oil Barrel") that I build my calculations upon, except for the most recent data:

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Lars Larsen

Född 1984 i Finland. Norrman, bor i Stockholm, Sverige. Poet, ekoteolog och ekofilosof (dock inte en akademisk någondera, fastän han studerade teologi i nästan tre år vid Åbo Akademis universitet), kallas också allmänt "Munken" (han är munk i en självgrundad klosterorden, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden"), han kallar sig själv "Skogsmannen Snigelson" och "Lasse Lushjärnan" på grund av vissa starka band till naturen och djuren, grundade bland annat genom många år av hemlöshet boende i tält, kåta, grotta och flera hyddor i Flatens naturreservat, Nackareservatet och "Kaknästornsskogen" utanför Stockholm. Han debuterade som poet 2007 med "Över floden mig", utgiven av honom själv, han har även gett ut ett ekoteologiskt verk, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst", på Titel förlag 2010. Han har gett ut diktsamlingen "Naturens återkomst" på Fri Press förlag 2018 tillsammans med sin före detta flickvän Titti Spaltro. Lars yrken är två, städare och målare (byggnader). Just nu bor han på Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, ett psykiatrisk gruppboende för mentalsjuka i Danderyd, Stockholm. Hans adress är: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. Man kan nå honom i kommentarsfältet på denna blogg. Hans texter på denna blogg är utan copyright, tillhörande "Public Domain" Han är författare till texterna, om ingen nämns.

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