Publicerad 2023-11-01 10:53:00 i Andrew Glikson, Exponentiell tillväxt och exponentiell nedgång, James Hansen, Klimatförändringarna, Leon Simons, Miljöaktivism, Naturförstörelse och naturens kollaps, Sam Carana,
I post here
this tweet by Leon Simons from September 26, 2023:
I hate to say I told you so, but we've been trying to inform the world about the acceleration of global warming for a while now.
Call it an aerosol termination shock.
Call it paying the devil his due when the sulphur clears.
The next 6 months will be shocking!
Leon Simons then quote
this tweet from James Hansen:
End quote.
See also
this tweet by Leon Simons from October 3, 2023:
Translation: This is f*cking crazy!
September was +1.8°C and it will get much worse in the months to come.
This is an aerosol termination shock."
The first global temperature data is in for the full month of September. This month was, in my professional opinion as a climate scientist – absolutely gobsmackingly bananas. JRA-55 beat the prior monthly record by over 0.5C, and was around 1.8C warmer than preindutrial levels."
End quote.
See also this tweet by Leon Simons from July 26, 2023:
The whole Northern Hemisphere is +1.23°C warmer than average (1979-2000) and +0.44°C warmer than ever observed."
See also
this tweet by Leon Simons, from October 5, 2023:
As predicted, it took a few months for ocean surface heat to translate into surface air temperature shattering. Now you have it. Much more in pipeline in the months to come. Sorry!"
My comment: Observe that this is from the 1850 baseline. If you take the preindustrial baseline, i.e. 1750, you have to add 0,3 C, and then you are already above 2 C (The chart shows a 1,75 C above the 1850 baseline, not a 1,40, as in the blue box above. But this is for the whole year up until September, I think). And according to climate scientist Sam Carana, you also have to add 0,49 C for the warming during all the time before 1750 (see
this blogpost by him). If you do that, we are already at more than 2,49 above preindustrial for September 2023, and this is based on mainstream climate science, I know that Sam Carana's and professor Andrew Glikson's calculations are even more radical, they would end up close to 3 C above preindustrial.
If we begin with 1,40 C above the 1850 baseline, for the whole year until September, then we are at at least 2,14 C above the preindustrial, and with Carana/Glikson's calculations, at around 2,5 C.
And then we have those activists who risk prison (like Greta Thunberg recently), yes risk their lives to stop the oil madness.
This video touched my heart (warm greetings to these brave activists!):