(Detta blogginlägg får gärna läsas till de ljuvliga tonerna av ryssen Viktor Klimenkos sång "Underbar frid", full av väckelsens ande och sjungen på gammalmodigt vis, vilket också musiken är)
Jag lever mig igenom
väckelsen i Wales 1904-1905 genom att hela tiden se vad som hände i den för 120 år sedan. Talet 120 är ett av de mest signifikanta talen i profetisk matematik (en massa andra profetiska sammanträffanden infaller också då, men jag ska inte ta upp allt. Vissa ting är alltför personliga).
Vad har då hänt för 120 år sedan i år? Vi har redan genomlevat starten på väckelsen, som skedde i februari 1904 med 15-åriga Florrie Evans. Jag skrev om det
här. Jag tar det upp igen här:
"7th Feb 1904 Sunday Evening:
"Sunday Evening service at New Quay. Florrie Evans (1) leaves, following Jenkins home and asking his counsel. She says “…The matter of my soul is almost killing me…”. After some conversation Jenkins asks her “Can you say ‘`My Lord’ to Jesus Christ?”. She replies “No, I understand it but cannot say it”. Jenkins advises her to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ over her and submit to the leading of the Spirit (at her home). Jenkins had preached on “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith”. Jenkins thinks she is saved but as yet unwilling to yield entirely to Christ in case he asks something difficult." (Hayward)
(1) A young girl in her fifteens. Wikipedia has an article about her,
14th Feb 1904 – “Following Sunday Morning”:
"In the after-meeting (the Young Endeavourers) Florrie Evans makes her public confession. After the papers are read Jenkins introduces a new feature, at the prompting of the Spirit and asks for people to relate their spiritual experiences, remarking how scarce they were. Several try to speak on different subjects but Jenkins does not allow it. Jenkins asks the young people “What does Jesus Christ mean to you?”. Someone answers, “He is the hope of the world.” Jenkins asks again emphasising “to you”. Florrie slowly replies “ I love Jesus Christ with all my heart.” Florrie has been converted only a few days. The whole meeting is reduced to tears. “Thank you” said Jenkins, “You have given the meeting a lift”. Florrie replies “Don’t thank me but the Holy Spirit. I was forced to say it..” " (Hayward)
Florrie later "becomes known for her visions and prophecies" (Hayward)"
Citat slut.
Vad är nästa sak som sker? På våren 1904 sker följande i väckelsen i Wales:
"Spring 1904:
During a period during spring 1904 Evan Roberts is awakened every night by God to experience a wonderful fellowship with him, like he visited heaven. He then used to pray for four hours, going to sleep by five and sleeping for four hours, and then pray from nine to tvelwe (source: Liardon)."
Citat slut.
Skall något märkligt ske denna vår? Märkligt nog sker den stora amerikanska solförmörkelsen som alla pratar om i USA, i vår, 8.4.2024. Den kallas i Amerika "The Great American Eclipse". Profeten Michael Snyder skriver om den
här. Otroliga profetiska detaljer avslöjas också av Snyder
här. Detta ger en hopp om att något stort ska ske.
Signifikant är också att i vår träder Sverige fullständigt in i NATO, och blir således delaktigt i Ukrainakriget.