I väntan på Jesus

Ekoteologen Lars Larsens blogg

Quotes from near-death experiencer Anita Moorjani. + My comments.

Publicerad 2023-09-01 01:02:00 i Aforismer, Amorism och kärlek, Anita Moorjani, Döden, Gud, Helgelse och moralisk förvandling, Lidande, Mystik och mystiker, Mystikens historia, Nära-döden upplevelser, Rädsla, fruktan och skräck,

Alex Ferrari asks Anita Moorjani what made her come back to this life, from heaven, after she had conversed with her dead father. Anita answers:
"So the last things my dad said to me was, "now that you know the truth of who you really are, go back and live your life fearlessly". And, as soon as he said that, and I knew that my body was going to heal (she was dying of cancer, my remark). And so when he said that, literally just it felt like just seconds after he said that. It felt like my eyes started to open in my physical body. It was like I drifted, I drifted into my body, seamlessly."
(Near-death experiencer Anita Moorjani in this YouTube interview one month ago)
My comment: Bible-believing friend. What if you really believed in God? Do you really believe in God? Is God a REALITY for you? Do you feel him in your marrow and bones, in your stomach? If not, maybe you have sought him in the wrong places, maybe in churches and temples made by fallen beings instead of in the tender things that God himself has directly created. And if you really believed? Then you would live your life fearlessly, as Anita Moorjani, then you would take risks, then you would make sacrifices, then you would know there is a Great Purpose, a lovely Plan, then you would look forward to the day of tomorrow, excited of what God will do tomorrow. Then you would look forward to death, then you would await the Coming of your Lord like a watchman waits for the morning Aurora. 
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All the quotes below are from this page, and are from Anita Moorjanis book, "Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing" (2012):
“We are not these bodies; we're neither our accomplishments nor our possessions—we are all one with the Source of all being, which is God.”
My comments: The Swedish mystic Hjalmar Ekström put it this way, that we shall take the sin burden of the world upon us, and suffer like Jesus for the sins of the world. This means that we are not satisfied as long as others are suffering and sinning, we feel ourselves connected to them, and we take therefore their sins upon us, as if we had ourselves done those sins, atoning for them, with a willing and patient heart. We see our fulfilment only in the salvation of all, and reckon not with our own salvation as long as our brother/sister is still in suffering and sin. As long as he/she is in sin, we feel in sin, although we are pure as lambs, because we are one with everyone. This is the vicarious sufferings of all the followers of Christ. And it is a big secret, a big mystery. Saint Paul called it being "crucified with Christ", and it is the mystical death that is only tasted by the Bride of the slaughtered Lamb. It is not selfinflicted harm, it is to take part of this world, and become strong and hardy in love like a camel, a donkey or a goat

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“Everything that seemingly happens externally is occurring in order to trigger something within us, to expand us and take us back to who we truly are.”
My comment: Civilization is not our natural home, and as long as we try to make us a nest in it, get comfortable, God tries to awaken us from our spiritual sleep by all kinds of things that shall remind us and awaken us to the fact that WE BELONG TO PARADISE (all reality cries about it), and are, in our innermost being, as a frog or a toad (padda). As lovely as a frog or a toad. And, like the frog and toad, we belong to the forest, to the wild, and God will not allow us to make our nest in hell (which civilization really is), he will, all our lives, tenderly lead us, through everything that happens, into our divine nature as relatives to the frog or the toad. 
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“I'm at my strongest when I'm able to let go, when I suspend my beliefs as well as disbeliefs, and leave myself open to all possibilities. That also seems to be when I'm able to experience the most internal clarity and synchronicities.”

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“...letting go of attachment to any way of believing or thinking has made me feel more expanded and almost transparent so that universal energy can just flow through me.”

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“And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn’t a being, but a state of being…and I was now that state of being!”
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“We've allowed our fears and ego to edge God out of our lives, which has much to do with all of the disease not only in our bodies, but in our world as well.”

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“As Elizabeth Barrett Browning once observed poetically: "Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God.”

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“Words taken literally or held as ultimate truth can keep us stagnant and stuck, holding on to old ideologies. I now know that everything I need is already contained within me and is completely aceessible if I allow myself to open up to what I sense is true for me...and the same is true for you.”

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“I believe this is the most powerful idea for each of us: realizing that we’re here to discover and honor our own individual path. It doesn’t matter whether we renounce the material world and meditate on a mountaintop for 20 years or create a billion-dollar multinational company that employs thousands of people, giving them each a livelihood. We can attend a temple or church, sit on the beach, drink a margarita, take in a glorious sunset with a loved one, or walk through the park enjoying an ice cream. Ultimately, whichever path we choose is the right one for us, and none of these options are any more or less spiritual than the others.”
My comment: This is really a high course, and difficult to grasp. But it reminds of what an angel said to Jayne Smith in her near-death experience (see this blogpost): "There are no sins, not the way you think of them on Earth."
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“As I looked at the great tapestry that was the accumulation of my life up to that point, I was able to identify exactly what had brought me to where I was today. Just look at my life path! Why, oh why, have I always been so harsh with myself? Why was I always beating myself up? Why was I always forsaking myself? Why did I never stand up for myself and show the world the beauty of my own soul? Why was I always suppressing my own intelligence and creativity to please others? I betrayed myself every time I said yes when I meant no! Why have I violated myself by always needing to seek approval from others just to be myself? Why haven’t I followed my own beautiful heart and spoken my own truth? Why don’t we realize this when we’re in our physical bodies? How come I never knew that we’re not supposed to be so tough on ourselves? I still felt myself completely enveloped in a sea of unconditional love and acceptance. I was able to look at myself with fresh eyes, and I saw that I was a beautiful being of the Universe. I understood that just the fact that I existed made me worthy of this tender regard”
My comment: We are in fact commanded by Jesus to love ourselves as God loves us, because we shall love our neighbor as we love ourselves, and since we shall love our neighbor as God loves him/her, so we shall also love ourselves with that same divine love. When we begin to look upon ourselves with the eyes of God, we will attain this love and tenderness for ourselves, too. It helps thinking of oneself as a big toad
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“When I’m being love, I don’t get drained, and I don’t need people to behave a certain way in order to feel cared for or to share my magnificence with them. They’re automatically getting my love as a result of me being my true self. And when I am nonjudgmental of myself, I feel that way toward others.”
My comment: Jesus commanded us to not judge others (Matt. 7:1). This pertains also to ourselves (because we ourselves are in fact one of our neighbors that we shall love), that we shall not judge ourselves. Whatever this "judge" term here means. I think it perhaps is to be judgmental and punishing, or have a condemning attitude, thinking dark and dirty thoughts about oneself or others. 
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"My sense is that the very act of needing certainty is a hindrance to experiencing greater levels of awareness. In contrast, the process of letting go and releasing all attachment to any belief or outcome is cathartic and healing. The dichotomy is that for true healing to occur, I must let go of the need to be healed and just enjoy and trust in the ride that is life.”
My comment: I have discovered that the prayer answers almost never come when we expect them to come. They come often after we have finished looking for them. Something unexpected happens in our life, and we are released from our sufferings.
Not to live in a life of guarantees is to live in faith, this is the life that the animals in the forests live, they live from hand to mouth, directly from the hand and mouth and breast of God, without plans and guarantees, by grace alone. This is the essence of what it means to be saved by grace alone. It is to be moved from the life of security and guarantees (which is to be under the "law", under the stiff and cold and dead machinery of civilization), into the exciting life by grace alone. 

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Lars Larsen

Född 1984 i Finland. Norrman, bor i Stockholm, Sverige. Poet, ekoteolog och ekofilosof (dock inte en akademisk någondera, fastän han studerade teologi i nästan tre år vid Åbo Akademis universitet), kallas också allmänt "Munken" (han är munk i en självgrundad klosterorden, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden"), han kallar sig själv "Skogsmannen Snigelson" och "Lasse Lushjärnan" på grund av vissa starka band till naturen och djuren, grundade bland annat genom många år av hemlöshet boende i tält, kåta, grotta och flera hyddor i Flatens naturreservat, Nackareservatet och "Kaknästornsskogen" utanför Stockholm. Han debuterade som poet 2007 med "Över floden mig", utgiven av honom själv, han har även gett ut ett ekoteologiskt verk, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst", på Titel förlag 2010. Han har gett ut diktsamlingen "Naturens återkomst" på Fri Press förlag 2018 tillsammans med sin före detta flickvän Titti Spaltro. Lars yrken är två, städare och målare (byggnader). Just nu bor han på Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, ett psykiatrisk gruppboende för mentalsjuka i Danderyd, Stockholm. Hans adress är: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. Man kan nå honom i kommentarsfältet på denna blogg. Hans texter på denna blogg är utan copyright, tillhörande "Public Domain" Han är författare till texterna, om ingen nämns.

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