I väntan på Jesus

Ekoteologen Lars Larsens blogg

The endpoint of my blogging: Prepper/survivalist information and resource Box for the post-collapse world (updated version)

Publicerad 2024-04-15 03:57:00 i Abrupt kollaps eller "the Seneca Cliff", Andrii Zvorygin, Civilisationens kollaps, Derrick Jensen, Dimitry Orlov, Döden, Ekologisk ekonomi, Ekologisk livsstil, Ekonomisk kollaps, Gud, Jesu återkomst, Kollapsförberedelse, Kompost och jordförbättring, Miljörörelsen, PREPPER/SURVIVALIST INFORMATION AND RESOURCE BOX, Permakultur, jordbruk, mat och matproduktion, Profetior, Självbiografiska notiser, Skogen, Skogsträdgårdar, Survivalism, Tillbaka till naturen,

(This blogpost is welcome to be read to the beautiful sound of the reggae songs "Strengthen your mind", "Worthy was she" and "Holy of Holies" by black reggae artist "Dezarie". And then "Ekki Mukk" and "Mór", and "Hoppipolla" and "Varud", and "Svo Hljótt" and "Eg andaand "Fyrstaby the Icelandic pop band "Sigur Rós")

(This blogpost is updated 23.9.2024)
a) Preface
Polerna smälter sakta,
se, slutet kommer,
men mitt hjärta smälter också,
ty en andens vår kommer,
civilisationshelvetets slut är paradisets början,
och jag känner paradisets närvaro,
mitt hjärta smälter sakta av dess närmande 
i fjärran på historiens horisont,
och jag vet att när isen börjar smälta,
kommer havet,
och vi skall se
hur vackra vi kan vara. 
(dikten skriven 23.1.2023)
The poles are slowly melting,
see, the end is coming, 
but my heart also melts,
because a spring of the spirit is coming,
the end of the hell of civilization is the beginning of paradise,
and I feel the presence of paradise,
my heart melts slowly by it approaching,
far away on the horizon of history,
and I know that when the ice begins to thaw,
becomes the sea,
and we will see
how beautiful we can be. 
(the poem is written 23.1.2023)
* * * 
My dear friends. 
I love you all. 
This blogpost is the end point of almost 18 years of blogging, the crown that crowns it. I have put a lot of effort into it. And I want it to be the most important practical, spiritual and prophetic information I can ever offer.
A big love adventure lies before us, and it is about returning to a simpler lifestyle, forced by the deepening collapse of industrial civilization, a collapse which is deepening at an accelerated rate, i.e. exponentially.
This process, the Fall of "the Great City", the Fall of "Babylon", will pave way for the "Second Coming of Jesus" and "The Millennial Kingdom", which is more than we can imagine. 
Don't take it as an accident, a disaster or catastrophe, but as a great liberation from the horrible slavery that we have lived in inside industrial civilization (just think of office work 8 hours a day), a return to our real origins, to a wild and free, grounded and earthed life, in small communities, where love and relationships are our main focuses again, not serving a horrible zombie economy that destroys virtually everything, not least community, our bodies and souls, yes Nature itself. This view of the collapse is shared by anarcho-primitivist ecophilosopher Derrick Jensen (b. 1960), in this YouTube interview from November 2019: "Derrick Jensen: "The Collapse of Civilization Will be Cause for Rejoicing" "
In this blogpost, my last one, I have tried to help you make the coming transition easier. 
Let's begin with the most important issues: what you should invest in financially right now (a survey of our predicament comes later in this blogpost): 
b) Prepper/survivalist things to buy, in priority order:
1) Warm blankets (täcken), preferably with down (dun), if the electric grid fails during winter time. This is especially important if you live in some northern country. Many ordinary, cheap blankets on top of each other, is cheaper than warm winter sleeping bags. A warm winter sleeping bag is good to have if you during winter time have to escape from the cities to the countryside to get a job in a farming community (because of collapse). Then it is also necessary to have a good, big backpack in which to carry your necessities, and a good sleeping pad. This is a very good investment. Do it early on. It can be really difficult to escape cities in cars or public transport when the collapse really hits your city. The highways and other roads will be chaotic, and your car could easily be stuck. Then it's ideal to escape by hiking with your backpack and sleeping bag. Hiking you can navigate through forests and small roads and paths, without being dependent on car roads. Traveling with bicycle does the same trick almost as well. It is therefore good to own a bicycle, if you for some reason are not able to hike. Keep also a good map of your vicinity, and, if possible, a big map of your whole country, if you have to escape long distances. 
2) Warm clothes and good shoes. Preferably wool clothes. If you have to hike much, use shoes that you have used for a longer period of time, so that you avoid blisters on your heels. Don't go panic buying good shoes and then hiking long distances with very new shoes. This is the recipe for blisters. Try to get used to much hiking, before the Collapse. 
3) Stored water for at least 3 weeks. You can collect a lot of 1,5 liter or 1 liter or 1/2 liter soda bottles and fill them with water, if you do not have money to buy bigger water canisters (these are good to have if you have to carry water long distances from a well, river or lake). Building rain water collection systems is also very useful. Here is an easy introduction to that. 
4) Basic food to survive for at least 3 weeks. It could suffice to store 15 big packages of oatmeals (havregryn), which when stored in a dry place last for one year according to the grocery stores, for decades according to my experience. To have a lot of canned foods is of course standard collapse preparation. You can prepare such things yourself. See an introduction on this page
5) Batteries and a manual CD-player or Cassette-player with radio. This is important in order to receive emergency information from the government, if the electric grid fails and wars erupt in your country. If you do not have one such, make sure you know where you can go to listen to a radio. And check out where the nearest bomb shelters are. 
6) Candles to light up the night if the electric grid fails. Keep a reserve of lighters or matches to light the candles. If you can, learn to make fire without advanced technology, like they did during the Stone Age. Here and here and here are some education videos about that. It's difficult, I have tried. 
7) A good and wide mosquito net so you can more easily sleep outside during the warm half of the year, if you live in the north, and the year around if you live in the south. 
8) A few bottles of strong spirit (brännvin) is important to have as an emergency aid kit. If someone in your household or neighbourhood is wounded seriously, and has horrible pains, strong spirit is much better to use than drugs like opium, heroin, cannabis or morphine, as pain killer. It is also much cheaper, and can be produced by yourself in your home, in a very simple way, and does not create addiction as easily as drugs. If you can, keep also some basic medicines in your home (see this introduction or this introduction to the most essential medicines), and a basic emergency aid kit ("first help aid kit" or "first aid box", husapotek) is very good to have. 
There is more, if you want to have comfort (as in this article), but this is the most important, from where to start. The American Red Cross recommends these things in a survival kit. 
c) Here is more to do:
Try at once to learn the basics of composting and soil improvement. This will get really important, because the soils are so destroyed by monoculture, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and tilling. You can begin with this article on composting. For soil improvement, I recommend Ray Archuleta's work, recommended by Andrii Zvorygin & co. 
Try to learn the basics of home gardening. Learn first conventional gardening, and then, later, if you ever can, permaculture gardening (attending a permaculture course would be very helpful, I've done it myself), which means to work with nature instead of against nature. Begin with learning how to grow potatoes, which is the maybe easiest crop to grow, in my experience, and which has got, among all crops, the biggest amount of energy for the amount of labour you put into it, per kilogram (which means that it is a real survival crop, in emergency situations, the crop you depend on most in hunger and starvation situations. This was experienced by the Russians in the Soviet collapse. This also pertains to sweet potatoes in warmer climates). For conventional gardening of potatoes, you can start with this article: "How to Grow Potatoes in Your Home Garden". For permaculture gardening of potatoes, which is cultivating potatoes with cover crops (which means that you don't till the soil, but, instead, fill up with compost and other stuff over your crop), you can start with this article and video: "Growing Potatoes with Cover Crops". Remember that you have to have much compost if you want to succeed with cover crops. So try to build a compost as soon as possible. 
Please learn then all the rest of gardening basics, with the help of the valuable linklist in the end of this blogpost, which is mostly about permaculture, because permaculture is the real thing here. 
Please learn good English skills, this will help community building (an incredibly important thing) in a multicultural society, which almost the whole western world has morphed into by now. 
If the electrical power goes out during the winter for a long time, it is good to have built in advance a teepee or cot with a fireplace, which you can make from clay and straw, where you can warm yourself without using too much firewood, this is especially important if you do not have a fireplace in your house. Here is a video of how to build a teepee from scratch. A very small timber house or a yurt does the same trick, i.e. saves firewood. We cannot afford to waste firewood in a post-collapse world. A big house takes incredibly much fire wood to warm up, so it's impractical to use such ones in a post-collapse world. An outdoor toilet (utedass), where the poop is composted, is also very good to have. If you cannot build such one, go to the nearest forest or grove and make a hole in the ground and poop there, and wipe your butt with leaves or moss. 
It is very important to abandon your house (if you live in a city or suburb) and seek out to the countryside if the Collapse goes too far and much violence and wars starts taking place, which is usual during big civilizational collapses. Weaponized gangs of bandites can go searching for food and necessities in your area if you have bad luck. Prepare for that. But not with arms, but by building resilience. This will serve all. Serve even your enemy. 
Try to befriend farmers and people with allotments (kolonilotter), so that you have easier to get a job in allotment areas and in farming on the countryside after the Collapse. Observe: jobs in these places will usually go to those with money or those with contacts.
Keep a good physical health to be able to work heavily with your body in farming and gardening, after the Collapse. Otherwise you won't make it. 
On this blog there is a lot of education videos about primitive technology, a phenomenon which will become more and more important, and exponentially so. For Swedish readers I have collected the most important videos from that blog here, in Swedish. I have translated the blogpost into English here
Here are collected lists about edible (ätbara) wild plants, both in English and in Swedish. You should know that one of the most dangerous things you can do in a collapse situation, is to try, in desperate hunger, to fill your stomach with wild plants like grass, edible leaves and buds (knoppar). You can die from that, your stomach is not suited or evolved for such things. Use wild edible plants with reason. Educate yourself first. Buy some books in advance about wild edible herbs and plants, or, if the internet is up, search for information on the internet. One of the best uses of wild edible plants is to cook them or crush them and make smoothies or teas out of them, thus utilizing their nourishment maximally (because it is hard to eat them raw). You can for example fill a good big canister with wild edible plants and crush them with a thick tree stick made for this purpose. Thus you squeeze out the juice from them, and then you can add water and then sift away the fiber, and drink the juice that is left. If you have to live on bread and water (which many people did during famines in old times, yes, which was the standard food for prisoners in old times), this is very, very important, to secure sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. This can save your life. 
It is very important to know that when industrial civilization collapses, it will never recover, because of Peak Oil, overall energy decline and scarcity, and, not the least, ecological overshoot and ecosystem collapse. This makes you quit all false hopes, and prepare accordingly. If you have bought into the official "Green Transition" boondoggle crap, you will be in for a rude awakening. Prepare also for the fact that gardening and farming will get very chaotic and difficult because of Global Heating, and not the least, "Global Weirding". 
Remember especially much to prepare spiritually. Prepare for death, prepare to meet your God, whatever that is. There is no need to advise you about where to find help for these things. It's all over the place. But I have a lot of such information on my several blogs, and on my homepage, especially in my list of my Internet Archive writings. For introduction purposes, this blogpost of mine about prophetic near-death experiences is a good starting point. For those who do not believe in a higher world or life after death, please ponder this Swedish book of mine (for Swedes), or this English fact collection blog about the evidence for the Spirit World (for speakers of English). 
In the End Times, it's even more important to make friends with death than with farmers, people with allotments, rich people with survival bunkers or survivalists, preppers and hippies.
If you make friends with poverty, which is also a great advantage, you also make friends with death, automatically, because death is the greatest poverty and nakedness that is. 
d) Introductions to our predicament
We are, right now (summer 2024), living in the early and slow beginnings of a
1) global Peak Oil collapse,
2) a global ecological collapse and
3) a global financial collapse. 
It's the three "E":s of ecological economist Chris Martenson (b. 1962): Energy, Ecology and Economy, which pretty much sums up our situation. 
The first E is most visible in the decline of the oil industry and net energy and, because of that, a long time of rising energy prices and rising overall inflation. The second E is most visible in the extremely rapid and abrupt Global Heating that we are experiencing. The third E is most visible in the US banking crisis of last year (2023), the skyrocketing global debt bubble and "The Everything Bubble", and the deglobalization process that began in 2011 (see this article about it, the 2011 figure I took from a chart in the prestigious mainstream journal "The Economist" that I read on paper one month ago, I'm not able to find the chart or the article online), after globalization having peaked in the Global Financial Crisis 2008 and having been on a plateau for three years.
2008 was a very important year in Christian prophecy, according to American Christian prophet Jonathan Cahn (b. 1959), who counts seven year "Shemitah-cycles" (see this book by him from 2018 about it). 2011 was also a very important year in Christian prophecy, remember American Christian veteran prophet Harold Camping's (1921-2013) rapture date 21.5.2011 (see this Wikipedia-article about it), the Finnish Gipsy Marita Mäntyniemi's prophetic angel vision late in the evening 22.1.2011 (see this blogpost of mine) and my own old date for the Second Coming/Rapture/Doomsday, 11.11.2011 (close to the second doomsday date of Harold Camping, 21.10.2011, see this article about it). Deglobalization began in earnest in late 2011, according to the aforementioned article in "The Economist". It was exactly 7 years before Peak Oil (of "All Liquids") in November 2018, this being an extremely important prophetic date. The number 7 is often very important in prophecy. 
All these three mentioned predicaments are just symptoms of a greater global "ecological overshoot". I recommend you to read sociologist and human ecologist, professor William Catton's (1926-2015)  book "Overshoot" from 1982, which laid the early foundations for this understanding. 
Now to some advices for beginners where to find introduction information about our deepening predicaments:
1) The best introduction to the present Peak Oil collapse that we are living through, I think is this classical collapse-YouTubevideo from 2011 by Russian author, engineer and collapsologist Dimitry Orlov (b.1962): "Dmitry Orlov: Peak Oil Lessons From The Soviet Union". It is remarkably relevant even today. Mind that Orlov lived for several decades in the US, isn't it strange that the collapse had proceeded so far already in 2011?
How critical the situation pertaining to energy has become today, I think can be best studied in Peak Oil Exports and oil exports decline, about which I have written this book from 2024, about the end of global net oil exports, especially conventional oil exports and diesel exports, which end I think will come as soon as sometimes within 2027-2032. Then more than 160 oil importing countries will be without oil/diesel to import. The last addition to the book can be read in this blogpost
One of the most important features in the Peak Oil story, is that oil costs more and more, exponentially, to extract and distribute, i.e. its EROEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested) is declining at an accelerated rate (see this graph about the "Energy Cliff"). Remember that exponential functions tend to surprise us greatly in their endings. And surely the exponentials of oil and energy will. It doesn't matter how much oil we have (we can brag about it however much we want), if it is costing us more and more, exponentially, to extract it and distribute it. Because this is almost impossible to calculate, do not expect to hear much about it, before it's too late to do much about it. The harm that Global Heating does to the global economy, which is a symptom of fossil energy use, will greatly reinforce this trend, and the harm will grow exponentially, because Global heating is exponential, has been so until now, and will continue to be so. Natural disasters and all kinds of wars and troubles intrudes into the cost of oil, becomes a part of its EROEI. This is a often neglected truth. 
The US oil industry, which includes most of the super expensive (and exponentially more so with time) shale oil (or "tight oil") production of the world, from where most of the global oil supply growth has come since global conventional crude oil peaked in 2005, appears to have peaked now (see this YouTube video about it from June 14, 2024). See also this blogpost of mine about it, with an update 20.6.2024. This means, for all practical purposes, that the whole world has peaked, or that we already peaked in November 2018, almost six years ago (I wrote this 20.6.2024). We will probably never ever surpass this peak, and even if we manage to do that by some small amount, in a wild rally, stretching our powers to the extreme, it has no significance in the greater story, the peak 2018 is still valid, and will be counted as the arrival of the peak of "All Liquids" anyway. Usually a peak can be confirmed five years after it has happened, so according to learned peakoiler Alice Friedemann, who said in this blogpost from March 24, 2024, on her blog Energy Skeptic, the following: 
"When I first published this post in February of 2022, I said that peak world oil production might have arrived, but it takes 5 years in the rear-view mirror to call it."
2) A good introduction to the ecological collapse that we are living through, is the very learned ecological economist Chris Martenson's classical and fateful blogpost "Collapse is already here" from 26.1. 2019 (one of the most important blogposts ever written, it is also corroborated by this similar article by David B. Lauterwasser more than a year before, and this similar article by learned collapsologist and systems thinker Nafeez Ahmed later in 2019), almost exactly at the time when I, in an extremely wonderful spiritual epiphany early in the morning 9.2.2019 in the streets of Warsaw in Poland (in the country where child prophet Greta Thunberg, b. 2003, had preached, on the climate conference COP24, a couple of months before), saw in the spirit that "The Doomsday had begun". This was exactly after a sharp decline, about 3 mbd or 3 % of global oil production, had taken place in January 2019, which confirmed that the terminal decline of oil had really begun, see (1) below this first part of the essay. This incredible epiphany is documented in this Swedish book of mine. So I saw in the spirit that "The Doomsday" had begun, the doom over civilization, and it began with Peak Oil (of "All Liquids") in November 2018 and with Greta Thunberg's climate revival (which later developed into the global climate movement Fridays for Future) that started in the autumn of 2018, after a horribly hot and dry Swedish spring and summer, the worst ever, I think. What a synchronicity all this is! In December 2018 I was in Flensburg in northern Germany, preaching that the Doomsday had begun, and I saw in my epiphany in Poland that the first sprouting of the seed of "The Millennial Kingdom" (i.e. "heaven on earth") had begun in Nature (the seed being the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) by then. A new age, a new dispensation if you like, began with Greta and Peak Oil, an age which I call "the age of the Green Transition". Everybody is talking now about the "Green Transition", even dirty businesses, in their own stupid way. The radical climate movement "Extinction Rebellion", which was established in May 2018 and publicly launched in October 2018, was a herald of this new era or age, in pair with Greta. 
Maybe that beautiful Aurora in 2019, with Greta and Peak Oil (of "All Liquids"), an Aurora that made me cry much, was one of the loveliest Auroras that has ever taken place, a little like the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It felt like that to me. My epiphany was the most heavenly experience of my life, by farI was part of that Aurora, and I think I still am, and all others who feel that the wellbeing of Nature is their real wellbeing and their real riches, are a part of it. 
After that nothing has been the same. Civilization is shrinking, global GDP is shrinking (I mean here the uncorrupted GDP numbers, numbers that are not inflated, manipulated or debt/credit-fueled. Despite corrupt numbers, official global GDP growth has been on a slowing trend since 2018, see this article and this chart), and Nature is, finally, taking its long awaited "revenge", which is the revenge of love
The Swedish economic blogger and author Lars Wilderäng at the "Cornucopia?" blog, a very initiated peakoiler and collapsologist, stated it this way in 2021, in this blogpost: "Det kan varit så att 2018 var mänsklighetens höjdpunkt. Och kanske även Sveriges." (ENGLISH: It may have been that 2018 was the pinnacle of humanity. And maybe even Sweden's.")
In late 2018 a series of absolutely unprecedented forest fires, droughts and floods began in the world. Do you remember the gigantic floods in the US during the spring 2019, the horrible Californian forest fires in November 2018, including the "Camp Fire", that destroyed the town "Paradise" (an important and baffling sign in itself, because the paradise of Antichrist, its tower of Babel, Civilization-Babylon, began to fall after that event), and then the Amazonian forest fires in 2019, and the Siberian forest fires in 2019 and the gigantic Australian forest fires during our winter 2019-2020, when 3 billion animals died or were harmed in the fires? The trend has just continued, we had the gigantic Canadian forest fires in 2023 (burning an area as big as Syria), and last winter we had the biggest forest fires in all of human history, in Australia. An area as big as Ukraina burned. It was a whopping 7,8 % of Australia's area. Australia is a big continent.This baffles my mind. 
Most of the biggest forest fires of recorded history have happened in the 21:st century. This is for me a great Doomsday Sign. A sign that we are living in the End Times, and that Mother Earth is dying. Already in September 2011 a wellknown professor emeritus of ecology, Peter F. Sale (b. 1941), published a book titled "Our dying planet. An ecologist's view of the crisis we face". By then he had 40 years of experience in tropical coastal ecosystems. This was a big sign for me, I have meditated upon the title of his book, because it is hard to get one's head around. It's significance is immense, absolutely immense, much because of the learning of its author. Notice that it is not a Christian fundamentalist crank prophet that is saying this. 
In 2018, scientists rang the alarm bell about the "insect apocalypse". For me it was like the angels of the Book of Revelation sounding the Last Trumpet. It had tremendous impact on me. And the insects were the trumpet angels this time around. See what New York Times wrote about this apocalypse in November 2018, here, (The British newspaper The Guardian also had an important and famous article about it in late 2019, here), the most famous article about it, and the first of its kind, I think, exactly at the time of Peak Oil (of "All Liquids") and the beginning of the "Greta-revival", in November 2018, which was the Great Turning Point.
In 2021 (see this first article ever about it) another very special and incredibly moving Doomsday Sign appeared in many animal species, that has, as far as we know, never happened before (try a google search yourself): crazy circling behaviour. The veteran eco-author Arthur Firstenberg (b. 1950) has written about it recently in a newsletter here (in April 2024), and attributes the behaviour to wireless radiation and high technology at large. Many news outlets wrote about it, scientists measured it. You can for example read about crazily circling sheep in China in this article from 2021. I blogged about the whole phenomenon in 2022, here, reposting a blogpost about it by American Christian prophet Michael Snyder on the blog "The Economic Collapse Blog". 
A very good introduction to Global Heating is this long essay by environmental emeritus professor, ecologist and conservation biologist Guy McPherson (b. 1960).
3) The best introduction to our present financial predicament, I have found to be, for Swedes, the blog "Nybörjarens guide till samhällskollapsen" at http://kollapsologi.se/. For English-speaking people, I think it could be good and useful to watch some of the famous US doomer economist Peter Schiff's (b. 1963) YouTube videos, like this interview with him from one year ago (11.4.2023). If you do not want to be energy blind (which Schiff and most economists, in fact, are), it could be good to read a little on ecological economist Dr. Tim Morgan's blog "Surplus Energy Economics". It's very basic stuff. Most, if not all ecological economists, are all but energy blind
The best short course in financial collapse, and in overall collapse awareness that I can recommend, is to watch Chris Martenson's YouTube video series "Crash Course" from 2008, and then read the book with the same name, which was published 2011, based upon the videos. Lately he has published an update in book form (2023) to these things, and also a number of YouTube videos as an update, "Chrash Course 2.0". 
Already in August 2022, the global economic situation was so bad that both the French president Emanuel Macron (see this article) and the Swedish finance minister Michael Damberg (see this article) expressed concerns that the age of abundance was over, and harder times await. It was a sign of the time, that even mainstream politicians could see how the economy was deteriorating, behind the great facade. 
In March 29, 2024, Chris Martenson wrote the fateful words "Time is running out", as the headline of this blogpost on his blog Peak Prosperity. This was prophetic, and had an enormous impact on me. It's because he knows so much. And in 21.6.2024 Martenson posted a YouTube video online with the title "The End of Empire Rapidly Approaches". This title had also an enormous impact on me. 
In May 2, 2024, alternative economist, financial analyst and stock market trader Gregory Mannarino (b. 1965) posted this historic video on Youtube: "PULL YOUR CASH OUT NOW! THE BANKING SYSTEM IS MUCH WORSE OFF THAN WE THINK. Mannarino". He said the same already in December 2, 2022 on YouTube, see here. So late in the game we are, indeed. Mannarino is a very initiated economist, with over 30 years of experience in the finance industry, five books published, and he is called "The Robin Hood of Wall Street". So expect difficult and turbulent times on the stock markets. 
In June 27, 2024, Gregory Mannarino said in this YouTube video that "The Stock Market WILL CRASH 80% OR MORE". These kind of things he has said for several years. US economist Harry Dent (b. 1953) has said things like this for many years (see for example this YouTube video from June 12, 2024). So thin the ice has become, already. But the Collapse never seems to happen. I predicted in my book above on oil exports that in 2027-2028 not a few store shelves in Stockholm would be empty. I will, in the end of 2027, make a survey on foot of many shops in Stockholm, to see if my prediction came to pass. It will be interesting, indeed. 
In June, 25, 2024, I learned the staggering fact that homelessness in Chicago, the third biggest city in the US, with 2,7 million people (8,7 million with the suburbs), has tripled in only one year. See #11 in this blogpost from June 25, 2024, by American financial analyst and Christian prophet Michael Snyder on "The Economic Collapse Blog". The original article, cited by Snyder, was this: "Number of Unhoused Chicagoans Tripled Amid Surge of Migrants, Survey Found", on the news outlet www.news.wttw.com. Many news outlets wrote about it, see here
Boys, the pace of the collapse in the US, the centre of the global industrial civilization, is already breathtaking. Meditate upon this fact. The pace will namely pick up speed, exponentially. The collapse has been going on for a long time. 
For even deeper studies in economic collapse, watch all the Peak Oil video chats that Ukrainian-Canadian hippie and peakoiler-collapsologist Andrii Zvorygin has got on YouTube, where he discusses with distinguished Peak Oil scientist and Associate Professor of geometallurgy Simon Michaux and MIT Peak Oil scientist John Peach (the blog where he writes is here), American-Swedish environmental artist Iver Lofving and several other very interesting people, the videos are all collected here (you can ignore those videos about spirituality, they are fuzzy New Age things). This is grounded and earthed information, that will help you to locate where we are and where you are in this grand End Times story. Try to begin with the first videos in this series. 
According to this blogpost of mine from March 2024, America could reach the 100 trillion benchmark of national goverment debt as early as in the beginnings of the next decade. This would practically mean the bankruptcy of America, the fall of the world's biggest superpower, and this will drag all other countries with it into the abyss, because we live in a globalized world where everything is extremely interconnected.  
This last simple mathematical fact puts the Collapse in perspective, and shows how close we are to the CLIFF
A final prophetic outlook
In a dream 2.5.2022 (I have written about the dream before, in Swedish, here, and in English, here), a mighty heavenly angel came into my room, with "spiritual thunder, spiritual roar and spiritual lightnings", and said to me that "In 2048 you will move to a summer valley". Then he disappeared, and I woke up, deeply affected.
This was one of the strongest and most spiritual dreams in my life. The experience was so mighty that I was afraid in the dream. It felt very real. It felt like I would, in 2048, receive my salary in the Millennial Kingdom, in a heavenly rainforest jungle valley, where eternal summer reigns (it cannot mean on this earth, because I have not that opportunity, and will not have, for the rest of my life). Somewhere before that date, 2048, the End would come for planet earth and humanity. The Second Coming of Jesus. That was the spontaneous impression in the dream. I believed in it. It's plausible. It's corroborated by Peak Oil science and collapse science. Veteran professor emeritus, systems ecologist and peakoiler Charles A.S.Hall (b. 1943) and veteran oil geologist Jean Laherrére (b. 1931) and veteran peakoiler Dr. Roger Bentley, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Reading, calculated, all three together, in July 2022, in an extremely important and fateful paper, that the end of conventional crude oil reserves would come in 2047 (see this scientific paper by them, and also this Youtubevideo from October 2022). It is the conventional oil reserves that matters, because most of the diesel lies in them, and diesel is the most important fuel. So some time before that, 2047, civilization is not possible any more, because it runs heavily on oil, its most important and most crucial substance.
I have a countdown in a book, to this date, 2048. I think I won't live longer than until that year. It is exacly twenty three and a half year away. Nelson Mandela was 27 years in South African prison. I will manage to wait 23 and 1/2 years. Half a year (and there is 47 such periods left) never went so fast as this last half year, since 1.1.2024.  
Warm greetings,
from a forest louse, "Lasse Louse-Brain" (Lasse Lushjärnan), or "Aapo Ragman" (Aapo Lumpsamlaren). He is the ecotheologian and crazy "monk" who was adopted by dogs in 2009, as a mentally ill, insane, schizophrenic wretch, and through a long suffering history ended up in the Resurrection and Life of his saviour Jesus Christ, his Alfa and Omega. The media and the elite made an effort to make him a celebrity in 2008, he refused, ended up in deep so-called "psychosis", interest in him was after that completely abandoned by media and the elite, when he became a so-called "schizophrenic", and he was then taken care of by dogs, madmen, hippies, anarcho-primitivists, homeless people and Jesus Christ, a much more merciful world than the world of the celebrities. This is his short life story. 
And I will end with singing a melancholic funeral song over the dying civilization; the most beautiful song I've ever heard: The Icelandic band Sigur Ros' song Blodberg
Here is my own words to the same song by Ros:
Friends, we will not be able to
endlessly misuse Grace.
Heaven is silently weeping.
Weeping for a new world
Once the time will come
when we won't be able to hide our sins,
when everything will be revealed.
It's called the Second Coming,
the Apocalypse. 
When we have filled the measure of our sins. 
And the present Age will be ended. 
It will be your Liberation
(1) If you study the following chart, from this blogpost by "Cornucopia?" on October 22, 2021, with EIA data, you will discover it:

Part 2: LINKLIST (information and resources for deeper studies):
a) Here are important prepper/survivalist websites:
In English:
The "Canadian prepper" youtube blog:
Shtfplan (American prepper site):
Collapse Survival Site:
Survival marketplace (here is links to more prepper sites):
In Swedish:
Survivalist (Swedish prepper site):
Preppad.se (Swedish survivalist forum):
Föreningen Naturliv (Swedish survivalist site, with among others Andris Fågelviskare):
b) It is very important to know how close we are to the big Collapse. For information and continous updates about how far we are into the collapse, check out the following blogs and webpages: 
b.a) The most important ones:

Peak Energy & Resources, Climate Change, and the Preservation of Knowledge (peakoiler and energy expert Alice Friedemann's Peak Oil blog)
b.b) Of poorer quality:

Near Term Human Extinction (open group on Facebook):
Wild Peaches (here John Peach is blogging): 
OilPrice.com (the most famous website of oil industry experts):
Doomsday Now:
The Honest Sorcerer:
PowerSwitch. The UK's Peak Oil Discussion Forum & Community
Paul Beckwiths YouTube blogg (om klimatet)

Nybörjarens guide till samhällskollapsen (Kollapsologi):

Of two minds (Ecological economist Charles Hugh Smith's blog):

Resource insights (peakoiler Kurt Cobb's blog):
Collapse economist Gregory Mannarino on youtube:
Climate and economy:
Gains Pains & Capital (economist Graham Summer's blog):
Climate scientist Paul Beckwiths blogg:

The oily stuff (oily news, analysis and opinions by peakoiler Mike Shellman):
Peak Oil News and Message Boards:
The oil crash (spanish Peak Oil-blogg):
Nate Hagens YouTube blogg:

Tentmaker (Christian Universalism):
Post Doom Conversations (collapsologist and ecotheologian Michael Dowd's youtube blog):
Ecojournalist Robert Hunziker's articles on CounterPunch:
Oil geologist Art Berman's blog:
Global Research:
Crude oil peak:
Aspo Sveriges blogg:

The Collapse Chronicles:

Do the math (Tom Murphy's blog):

Shale Oil and Gas Insights & News Blog (peakoiler Enno Peters' blogg):

Future, science fiction and the Matrix ("The future, science fiction and the Matrix", spansk Peak Oil-blogg):

Peak Oil educator Richard Heinberg's museletters:
Ecojournalist Dahr Jamail on Truth Out:
Peak moment:
Collapsologist professor Jem Bendell's homepage:
Eudaimonia & co.:
Collapse of industrial civilization:
Pray for calamity:
Survival after death.info (evidence material about parapsychology and spiritism):
Zero Hedge:
Cassandras legacy (peakoiler Ugo Bardis blogg):
Club Orlov (peakoiler and collapsologist Dimitri Orlovs blogg):
Doomstead Diner:
Reddit: Collapse Studies:
Let's talk collapse:
Goehring & Rozencwajg - Natural Resource Investors:
The most important news (American prophet Michael Snyder's third blog):
Problems, predicaments and technology (Erik Michaels' blog):
Save the bees:
Mercy upon all (theological blog):
Americas Last Days (visions and prophecies about America's collapse)
Tillväxt-reflektera (peakoiler Stellan Tengroths blogg):

Surplus energy economics (ecological economist Tim Morgan's blog):
Flammor (Holger Nilssons profetiska tidskrift):

The Seneca Effect (peakoiler Ugo Bardi's new blog):
Reddit: Collapse Studies:

Collapse Survival Site:
Breaking Down: Collapse (podcast-serie):

The most important news (Michael Snyder's third blogg):
b.c) For permaculture education and for the government to make a transition to a post carbon world, I recommend the following websites:
https://holmgren.com.au/ (Holmgren design, David Holmgren's homepage, he's one of the founders of Permaculture, from Australia)
www.permaculturenews.org (Permaculture site)
https://www.permaculture.co.uk/ (The main British Permaculture site)
https://www.tenthacrefarm.com/ (Permaculture for the suburbs)
www.permakultur.se (Swedish permaculture site)
https://www.agroforestry.co.uk/ (British agroforestry site, resources for forest gardening)
https://www.holmafolkhogskola.se/skogstradgard-3/ (Kurs i skogsträdgård och småskalig agroforestry vid Holma Folkhögskola)
https://grubbygardens.se/skogstradgard-ditt-atbara-mangfaldsparadis/ (Grubby gardens skogsträdgårdsodlingssajt)
www.transitionnetwork.org (The main page in English for the Transition Movement. The Swedish counterpart is omstallning.net)
www.transitionus.org (US transition movement site)
www.postcarbon.org (Peak Oil and sustainability think tank)
www.resilience.org (One of the most important sustainability sites on the internet)
www.energyandourfuture.org (Basic information about energy and sustainability)
www.simplicityinstitute.org (Basic information about sustainability)


Min profilbild

Lars Larsen

Född 1984 i Finland. Norrman, bor i Stockholm, Sverige. Poet, ekoteolog och ekofilosof (dock inte en akademisk någondera, fastän han studerade teologi i nästan tre år vid Åbo Akademis universitet), kallas också allmänt "Munken" (han är munk i en självgrundad klosterorden, "Den Heliga Naturens Orden"), han kallar sig själv "Skogsmannen Snigelson" och "Lasse Lushjärnan" på grund av vissa starka band till naturen och djuren, grundade bland annat genom många år av hemlöshet boende i tält, kåta, grotta och flera hyddor i Flatens naturreservat, Nackareservatet och "Kaknästornsskogen" utanför Stockholm. Han debuterade som poet 2007 med "Över floden mig", utgiven av honom själv, han har även gett ut ett ekoteologiskt verk, "Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst", på Titel förlag 2010. Han har gett ut diktsamlingen "Naturens återkomst" på Fri Press förlag 2018 tillsammans med sin före detta flickvän Titti Spaltro. Lars yrken är två, städare och målare (byggnader). Just nu bor han på Attendo Herrgårdsvägen, ett psykiatrisk gruppboende för mentalsjuka i Danderyd, Stockholm. Hans adress är: Herrgårdsvägen 25, 18239 Danderyd, Sverige. Man kan nå honom i kommentarsfältet på denna blogg. Hans texter på denna blogg är utan copyright, tillhörande "Public Domain" Han är författare till texterna, om ingen nämns.

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